- I was looking through a variety of old papers in order to organize training material for my new website about training manuals and I decided to post and list below brief, practical tips to keep in mind when mentoring and coaching people.
Practical Tips for Mentoring Others:
- Always show love to the person you are mentoring.
- "Walk in the other person's shoes" through compassion and by having empathy.
- Meet people where they are.
- Realize the positive impact of your advice on the other person in time or over time.
- Don't be afraid to say when you are wrong.
- Build people up and encourage people because the world can tear people down.
Practical Tips for Coaching Others:
- Meet people at their skill level.
- Never talk down to the person who you are coaching.
- Give and receive feedback in a positive manner.
- Engage in acts of kindness and love.
- Live in the moment and be present when communicating as well as when listening.
- Set goals and measure progress towards meeting designated goals.
- I have conducted training program related to the following topics throughout my professional consulting career regarding: anger management; building effective teams; building and maintaining positive relationships among co-workers and management; connecting with co-workers and management; effective communication in the workplace; effective counseling and coaching employees; handling discrimination complaints or EEO issues; getting buy-in and support from others at work; implementing major training initiatives; improving listening skills; improving interviewing skills; managing small work teams; designing and delivering management and supervisory development programs; managing diversity; providing outstanding customer service programs; facilitating focus groups; and conducting workshops related to stress management, time management, treating people with respect and valuing diversity.
Utilizing Technology:
- Due to changes or advances in communication technology, I continue to coach people within various organizations as a trainer and professional coach by utilizing video conference and various multi-media in order to connect with others over the internet and throughout the United States.